Primary Care Centre, Celbridge
Client: Clarington Primary Care
Main Contractor: MDY Construction
M&E Sub-Contractor: NSR
Quantity Surveyor: Leading Edge Project Directors
Civil & Structural Engineers: Merit Consulting
M&E Engineers: Bernard Smith Consulting Engineers
PSDP: Atkins
Celbridge Primary Care Centre is a 3,300m² community facility at Maynooth Road, Celbridge. It is located adjacent the former Workhouse (now Colourtrend Paints) and the Famine Graveyard. The building was designed to minimise its' impact on both by the stepping down of its' storey heights and planting of green walls.
Citing the "high quality of design" An Bord Pleanala gave permission to this scheme in January 2014.
"Having regard to the zoning of the site as set out in the current Kildare County Development Plan, the established character and pattern of development in the vicinity of the site and the high quality of design of the proposed structure it is considered that, subject to compliance with the conditions set out below, the proposed development would not seriously injure the residential amenities of adjoining property or the amenities of the area, would not be prejudicial to public health, would be acceptable in terms of its impact on buildings and spaces of architectural and archaeological significance, would be acceptable in terms of traffic safety and convenience and would be in accordance with the proper planning and sustainable development of the area." - An Bord Pleanala - 30th January 2014.
The building was partially occupied in 2016 and completed in May 2017.
Project Design Statement
photography by Myles Shelly
Client: Clarington Primary Care
Main Contractor: MDY Construction
M&E Sub-Contractor: NSR
Quantity Surveyor: Leading Edge Project Directors
Civil & Structural Engineers: Merit Consulting
M&E Engineers: Bernard Smith Consulting Engineers
PSDP: Atkins
Celbridge Primary Care Centre is a 3,300m² community facility at Maynooth Road, Celbridge. It is located adjacent the former Workhouse (now Colourtrend Paints) and the Famine Graveyard. The building was designed to minimise its' impact on both by the stepping down of its' storey heights and planting of green walls.
Citing the "high quality of design" An Bord Pleanala gave permission to this scheme in January 2014.
"Having regard to the zoning of the site as set out in the current Kildare County Development Plan, the established character and pattern of development in the vicinity of the site and the high quality of design of the proposed structure it is considered that, subject to compliance with the conditions set out below, the proposed development would not seriously injure the residential amenities of adjoining property or the amenities of the area, would not be prejudicial to public health, would be acceptable in terms of its impact on buildings and spaces of architectural and archaeological significance, would be acceptable in terms of traffic safety and convenience and would be in accordance with the proper planning and sustainable development of the area." - An Bord Pleanala - 30th January 2014.
The building was partially occupied in 2016 and completed in May 2017.
Project Design Statement
photography by Myles Shelly